Are we committing a Holocaust worse than Nazis ?
In the aftermath of World War 1, Hitler was finding and filling up Jews in his concentration camps where they were kept with just enough space to fit inside, they were marked with numbers, stripped naked and then thrown into gas chambers, instantly killing them.
What if I tell you that a genocide 10 times worse than this is occurring right now in almost all countries on this planet and we have allowed ourselves to look away from it and even enjoy the suffering of billions.
In their behaviour towards other creature, all men are Nazis, Human Being sees oppression vividly when they are the victims. Otherwise, they victimize blindly without a thought.
Issac Bashevis Singer, 1978 Nobel Laureate
With the advent of religion, human groups have increasingly believed themselves to be distant from animals. They have believed that God created animals different from humans and we don’t have the slightest connection to them other than they serve to exist their human master. After all, there had to be some reason we are smarter, we can think complex thoughts and abstract idea and they cannot? Some people have found it easy to even mention that animals don’t feel pain as we do and they are not capable of suffering, to justify their suffering.
As Science was growing faster and faster in the modern ages Charles Darwin laid forward his ideas of Evolution in the book “On the Origin of Species”. At that time he was laughed upon, but slowly we found more and more evidence that we and all animals have at some point in time in a very distant past shared the same ancestor.
Whenever we meet some primitive tribes in some remote virgin forest on our planet who have been detached from modern civilisation, we have found that these tribes possess very animist views of society which also reinstates the fact that its only modern religion and civilisation view which has made us feel superior to other animals and justify us killing them.
Not only that but most animals are smart and capable to feel emotions. Happiness, remorse, sadness, pain and most of all they can suffer.
Every Minute we murder millions of animals, we don’t just slaughter them we have naturally selected them to become submissive, weak and fat, we raise them in the most inhumane ways possible and condemn them to a life of torture and make sure every living second of their life is suffering.
Pigs and Cows struggle and scream when they are in the slaughterhouse and all they hear and smell is cries and blood of their kind. I can’t believe how can we be so indifferent to a large amount of suffering we are causing.
This Practice of producing meat in factories for mass consumption has opened a pandora box of problems that we are trying hard to fight. Because these animals are kept in an extremely unhygienic and unhealthy environment, they very often get sick. To prevent this their feed is mixed with a high dosage of antibiotics. This practice is sooner or later going to create a super Bacteria which will then be an existential threat for humanity, well I would not go down this Rabbit Hole and keep the topic of Antibiotic Resistance for another post.
Out of the 104 million square kilometres of habitable land on our planet, roughly 38% of the land is used for feeding animals, so that we can make raise them only to slaughter them one day. Even after using the majority of our land for grazing animals, most calories supply for global consumption comes from plant-based foods. To be precise 83% of all our calories and 67% of Protein requirement comes from plant-based foods.
A lot of people argue that we have evolved as hunters eating meat and killing large animals, which is barely the complete truth. We have evolved as omnivores and a large part of the diet of an ancient human was vegetarian. 5000 years ago Killing an animal in a fair chase or fight when we had no option other than starving to death is one thing but systematic breeding of a species to make them weak and submissive then torture them for endless generations and then slaughter them is another. We can see which way is causing endless suffering and is possibly genocide of astronomical stage
People have shown that living long and healthy lives being a vegan is not hard,
The future generation of Humans will look at us with disgust probably the same way we look at Nazi officers who ordered the Holocaust and thought it was ethical.
Be on the right side of History, Go Vegan!